With texting and social networking, we find the use emoticons, slang, and abbreviations become a part of our everyday communications. Even though it may be appropriate in an informal setting, when writing formal business correspondence, it is important to use formal language, proper structure, correct punctuation and grammar.
Impact of Written Business Documents
A well-written business communication, both for internal and external circulation, creates a good impression on the reader and helps in the easy understanding of the communication. On the other hand, a business document that has grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and/or bad structure shatters your brand’s reputation and allow others to judge the professional worth of the person sending the communication and the company.
If written communication within your organisation or to your external clients is not of quality, then there is a need to develop the essential business writing skills. As written communication is used extensively in an organisation, it is important to build skills to create business communications of professional quality.
Results of Training
To gain understanding and use of the various techniques required to write immaculate business documents, training is essential. Training in business writing results in the development of the following areas:
- Identifying and removing common spelling and grammatical errors
- Using correct formatting and structure
- Learning sentence and paragraph construction
- Writing professional emails
- Learning how agendas, email messages, business letters, business proposals and business reports are structured in a professional environment
- Mastering techniques for improved proofreading skills
- Using peer reviews to improve business writing skills
- Learning about printing and publishing
Business writing training covers all of the fundamentals of professional communication using the written word. It helps the learner to root out errors and gain expertise in structuring, sentence structuring, grammar, format, and editing. For professionals that are required to write business documents, development of these skills is essential.